
Legislative Accomplishments of Representative Barbara Jordan

94th Congress  [1975-197 Member, House Judiciary Committee]

  • Member, Subcommittee on Monopolies and Commercial Law
  • Member, Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations
  • Member, House Committee on Government Operations Member, Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations and Human Resources
  • Member, Subcommittee on Manpower and Housing Member, House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Member, Speaker’s Task Force on Legislative Program for the 94th Congress 20
  • Member, Speaker’s Task Force on House Recommendations to the Democratic Platform Committee
  • Principal sponsor of H.R. 3247, to extend and expand the Voting Rights Act of 1965; P.L. 94-73
  • Principal sponsor of H.R. 2384, to repeal federal authorization for state “Fair-Trade” laws; P.L. 94-145
  • Principal sponsor of H.R. 8557, a private bill for the relief of Carmen Thomas, P.L. 94-88
  • Principal sponsor of strengthened civil rights enforcement procedures for the General Revenue Sharing Program Principal sponsor of strengthened civil rights enforcement procedures for the Law Enforcement Assistance Ad­ministration
  • Co-sponsor of the following bills which have become law:
  • Prohibiting the president from increasing the price of food stamps and eliminating many from eligibility; P.L. 94-4
  • Providing for low-income workers a tax credit on Social Security taxes; P.L. 94-12
  • Emergency Housing Act, passed in revised form; P.L. 94-50
  • Health programs extension; P.L. 94-63
  • Allowing women to enter military academies; P.L. 94-106
  • Allowing Government Accounting Office to collect and analyze energy situation reports from oil companies; P.L. 94-163
  • National Women’s Conference; P.L. 94-167 Prohibiting military intervention in Angola; P.L. 94-212
  • Opening meetings of federal agencies to the public; P.L. 94-409
  • Authorizing state attorneys general to bring antitrust suits on behalf of the citizens of their states; P.L. 94-435
  • Providing increased antitrust investigative powers for the Justice Department; P.L. 94-435
  • Requiring large corporate mergers to be reviewed by the Justice Department for antitrust purposes; P.L. 94-435
  • Creating an Office of Inspector General in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to investigate fraud and program abuse

93rd Congress [1973-197 Member, House Judiciary Committee]

  • Member, Subcommittee on Monopolies and Commercial Law
  • Member, Subcommittee on Claims
  • In July 1974, the House Judiciary Committee voted to recommend to the House of Representatives that Articles of Impeachment be exhibited in the Senate against Richard M. Nixon, president of the United States; the impeachment vote was the culmination of an eight-month investigation
  • On November 29, 1973, the House Judiciary Committee voted to recommend the confirmation of Representative Gerald R. Ford as vice-president of the United States
  • On December 12, 1974, the House Judiciary Committee voted to recommend the confirmation of Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller as vice-president of the United States
  • Member, House Democratic Committee on Organization and Review
  • In October, 197 4, the House passed the so-called “Hansen Committee” recommended reforms of the Rules of the House of Representatives including reorganization of the jurisdiction of the standing committees of the House
  • Principal sponsor of civil rights amendments to Law Enforcement Assistance Administration authorization; P.L. 93-83
  • Co-sponsor of the following bills which have become law: Amendments to the Older Americans Act; P.L. 93-29 Ban U.S. involvement in the war in Indochina, incorporated into the 1973 Supplemental Appropriations bill; P.L. 93-50
  • Requiring congressional approval before sending further troops abroad, incorporated into the State Department Authorization; P.L. 93-126; and the War Powers Act; P.L. 93-140
  • American Revolution Bicentennial Administration; P.L. 93-179
  • Home Rule for the District of Columbia; P.L. 93-198 Child Development and Abuse Prevention Act; P.L. 93-247
  • National Insurance Against Catastrophic Natural Disasters; P.L. 93-288
  • Mandating continued use of food commodities for school lunch and child nutrition; P.L. 93-326
  • Requiring congressional approval prior to the impoundment of funds incorporated into the Budget and Impoundment Control Act; P.L. 93-344
  • Legal Services Corporation; P.L. 93-355
  • Youth Conservation Corps; P.L. 93-408
  • Right of Conscience in Abortion Procedures Act, incorporated into Public Health Service Act extension; P.L. 93-435
  • Establishing the Big Thicket National Preserve; P.L. 93-439
  • Making illegal sex discrimination in the granting of credit, incorporated into the Equal Credit Opportunity Act; P.L. 93-495
  • Assuring the free flow of information to the public, incorporated into The Freedom of Information Act Amendments; P.L. 93-502
  • Emergency Public Service Jobs created; P.L. 93-567 Assuring freedom of emigration from the U.S.S.R., incorporated into the Trade Reform Act; P.L. 93-618 Community Services Administration, creation and operations; P.L. 93-644
  • Providing for expanded social services to the poor; P.L. 93-647


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