
Make content accessible

Aim to make accessibility an integrated part of your workflow, and not an afterthought.

For editors working in Open Journal Systems, the developers of that platform have created an in-depth guide on creating accessible online content. This includes general principles for creating accessible content (such as strategies for accessible hyperlinks, color contrast, and other formatting guidelines), as well as suggestions for creating accessible galley files for download from your journal. To review this guide, visit Creating Accessible Content: A Guide for Journal Editors and Authors.

For more resources on making accessible content, check out the Accessibility Checklist as an appendix to this guide adapted from resources from the UFIT Center for Instructional Technology and Training (CITT). CITT also provides a self-paced accessibility training called Accessibility Fundamentals that includes the checklist as well as further accessibility resources at UF and beyond. We highly recommend reviewing these excellent resources.