
Appendix: List of Publications by African American Studies Program Faculty at UF


Celeste, M. (2016). In a Room without Windows: Seeing Haiti beyond the Earthquake. In N.T. Clitandre, C. Michel, M. Racine-Toussaint, & F. Bellande-Robertson (Eds.). Remembrance: Loss, hope, recovery after the earthquake in Haiti = Re-mémoire: Chagrin, souvenir, espoir après le séisme en Haïti. UCSB Center for Black Studies Research.

Celeste, M. (2017). Race, Gender, and Citizenship in the African Diaspora: travelling Blackness. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

Chafe, W. H., Gavins, R., & Korstad, R. R., Ortiz, P. (2014). Remembering Jim Crow: African Americans tell about life in the segregated South (Paperback edition.). The New Press, in association with Lyndhurst Books of the Center for Documentary Studies of Duke University.

Conwill, W.L. (2015). De-colonizing Multicultural Counseling and Psychology: Addressing Race Through Intersectionality. In R. D. Goodman & P. Gorski (Eds.). De-Colonizing “Multicultural” Counseling through social justice. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-1283-4_9

Evans, S. Y. (2007). Black women in the ivory tower, 1850-1954: an intellectual history. University Press of Florida.

Evans, S. Y. (2009). African Americans and community engagement in higher education: community service, service-learning, and community-based research. SUNY Press.

Evans, S. Y., Domingue, A. D., & Mitchell, T. D. (2019). Black women and social justice education: legacies and lessons. State University of New York Press.

Foreman, R. (1984). First citizens and other Florida folks: essays on Florida folklife. Bureau of Florida Folklife Programs, Division of Archives, History, and Records Management.

Geggus, D. P. (2001). The impact of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic world. University of South Carolina.

Geggus, D. P. (2002). Haitian Revolutionary Studies. Indiana University Press.

Geggus, D. P. (2014). The Haitian Revolution: a documentary history. Hackett Publishing Company, Inc.

Graham, N. J. (2017). Begin with a Failed Body: Poems. Athens: University of Georgia Press.

Harrison, F. V. (1991). Decolonizing anthropology: moving further toward an anthropology for liberation. Association of Black Anthropologists.

Harrison, F. V. (2005). Resisting racism and xenophobia: global perspectives on race, gender, and human rights. AltaMira Press.

Harrison, I. E. & Harrison, F. V. (1999). African-American pioneers in anthropology. University of Illinois Press.

Hebblethwaite, B., & Bartley, J. (2012). Vodou songs in Haitian Creole and English = Chante Vodou and kreyòl ayisyen ak angle. Temple University Press.

Henson, B. (2019). Low Frequencies in the Diaspora: The Black Subaltern Intellectual and Hip‐Hop Cultures in The Handbook of Diasporas, Media, and Culture. In K. Mitchell, R. Jones, & J.L. Fluri (Eds.). Handbook on critical geographies of migration. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

Hilliard-Nunn, P. (1998). Representing African American Women in Hollywood Movies: An African-Conscious Analysis. In J. Hamlet (Ed.). Afrocentric Visions: Studies in Culture and Communication. SAGE Publications, Inc.

Hilliard-Nunn, P. (2019). Black Female Agency in Haile Gerima’s Bush Mama and Sankofa. In M. Reid (Ed.). African American cinema through Black lives consciousness. Wayne State University Press.

Johnson-Simon, D. (2004). Culture keepers-Florida: oral history of the African American museum experience. Printed by the author.

Kendi, I. X. (2012). The Black campus movement: Black students and the racial reconstitution of higher education, 1965-1972 (1st ed.). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137016508

Kendi, I. X. (2016). Stamped from the beginning: the definitive history of racist ideas in America. Nation Books.

Kendi, I. X. (2019). How to be an antiracist. One World.

King, D. W. (1998). Deep talk: reading African-American literary names. University Press of Virginia.

King, D. W. (2000). Body Politics and the Fictional Double. Indiana University Press.

King, D. W. (2008). African Americans and the culture of pain. University of Virginia Press.

Nixon, A. V. (2015). Resisting paradise: tourism, diaspora, and sexuality in Caribbean culture. University Press of Mississippi. https://doi.org/10.14325/mississippi/9781628462180.001.0001

Nunn, K. (1999). Rosewood. In R. L. Brooks (Ed.). When Sorry Isn’t Enough: The Controversy Over Apologies and Reparations for Human Injustice. NYU Press.

Ortiz, P. (2005). Emancipation betrayed: the hidden history of Black organizing and white violence in Florida from Reconstruction to the bloody election of 1920. University of California Press.

Ortiz, P. (2018). An African American and Latinx History of the United States. Beacon Press.

Pearlman, L. (2019). Democracy’s capital: Black political power in Washington, D.C., 1960s-1970s. The University of North Carolina Press.

Preston, A. N. (2019). A Seat at the Table. In S.Y. Evans, A.D. Domingue, & T.D. Mitchell (Eds.). Black women and social justice education: legacies and lessons. State University of New York Press.

Preston, A. N. (2015). Mary Mcleod Bethune in Florida: bringing social justice to the sunshine state. History Press.

Reid, M. (1997). PostNegritude visual and literary culture. State University of New York Press.

Reid, M. (2019). African American cinema through Black lives consciousness. Wayne State University Press.

Rosenberg, L. (2007). Nationalism and the formation of Caribbean literature (1st ed.). Palgrave Macmillan.

Russell-Brown, K. (2004). Underground codes: race, crime, and related fires. New York University Press.

Russell-Brown, K. (2009). The color of crime (2nd ed.). New York University Press.

Russell-Brown, K., & Davis, A. J. (2016). Criminal law. SAGE.

Saunders, T. (2016). Toward a Hemispheric Analysis of Black Lesbian Feminist Activism and Hip Hop Feminism: Artist Perspectives from Cuba and Brazil. In E.P. Johnson (Ed.). No tea, no shade: new writings in Black queer studies. Duke University Press.

Saunders, T. L. (2015). Cuban Underground Hip Hop: Black Thoughts, Black Revolution, Black Modernity (First edition.). University of Texas Press.

Schuller, M., Schuller, M., & Thomas-Houston, M. M. (2006). Homing devices: the poor as targets of public housing policy and practice. Lexington Books.

Scott, D. M. (1997). Contempt & pity: social policy and the image of the damaged Black psyche, 1880-1996. University of North Carolina Press. https://doi.org/10.5149/uncp/9780807846353

Sensbach, J. F. (1998). A separate Canaan: the making of an Afro-Moravian world in North Carolina, 1763-1840. Published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia, by the University of North Carolina Press.

Sensbach, J. F. (2005). Rebecca’s revival: creating Black Christianity in the Atlantic world. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Shange, N. (2010). For colored girls who have considered suicide, when the rainbow is enuf: a choreopoem (1st Scribner trade pbk. ed.). Scribner.

Shaw, Harry B. (1980). Gwendolyn Books. Boston: Twayne Publishers.

Shaw, Harry B. (1986). “Perceptions of Men in the Early Works of Gwendolyn Brooks,” in Black Poets Between Worlds: 1940-1980. Knoxville, TN: University Press of Tennessee.

Shaw, Harry B. (1987). “Maud Martha: The War with Beauty,” in A Life Distilled: Critical Essays on Gwendolyn Brooks. Champaign-Urbana, IL: The University of Illinois Press.

Shaw, Harry B. (1990). Perspectives of Black Popular Culture. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press.

Simmons, G.Z. (2006). African American Islam as an Expression of Converts’ Religious Faith and Nationalist Dreams and Ambitions. In K. van Kieuwkerk (Ed.). Women embracing Islam: gender and conversion in the West (1st ed.). University of Texas Press.

Simmons, G.Z. (2010). From Little Memphis Girl to Mississippi Amazon. In F.S. Holsaert (Ed.). Hands on the freedom plow: personal accounts by women in SNCC. University of Illinois Press.

Thomas-Houston, M. M. (2005). “Stony the road” to change: Black Mississippians and the culture of social relations. Cambridge University Press.

Villegas, M. R., Kandi, K. & Labrador, R. N. (2014). Empire of funk: hip hop and representation in Filipina/o America. Cognella Academic Publishing.

Wright Austin, S. D. (2006). The transformation of plantation politics: Black politics, concentrated poverty, and social capital in the Mississippi Delta. State University of New York Press.

Wright Austin, S. D. (2018). The Caribbeanization of Black Politics: race, group consciousness, and political participation in America. State University of New York Press.


Acosta, M. M., Foster, M., & Houchen, D. F. (2018). “Why Seek the Living Among the Dead?” African American Pedagogical Excellence: Exemplar Practice for Teacher Education. Journal of Teacher Education, (4), 341. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0022487118761881

Adejumo, V. E. & Arvelo, Callean. (n.d.). Impacts of Cultural Hegemony (Hegemonic Masculinity) On Black Queer Masculinity: Perspectives in Resistance and Social Justice. Submitted to Journal of Black Studies.

Adejumo, V. E. (n.d.). Defense of Dreams or Continued Nightmares? In Black Power in Florida. Eds. Guzman, W. and Densu, K. Submitted to University of Florida Press.

Alteri, S., Birch, S., & Huet, H. (2018). Racism, Representation, and Resistance in Children’s Literature, 1800-2015 (Exhibition). George A. Smathers Libraries. http://exhibits.uflib.ufl.edu/RacismRepresentation/

Banton, N. E. (2009). Nipple Matters: A Black Feminist Analysis of the Politics of Infant Feeding among African American Mothers (Doctoral Dissertation). Georgia State University.

Bateman, L. B., O’Neal, L. J., Smith, T., Li, Y., Wynn, T. A., Dai, C., & Fouad, M. N. (2017). Policy, System and Environmental Correlates of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in a Low-Income African American Population in the Southeast. Ethnicity and Disease, 27, 355-362. https://doi.org/10.18865/ed.27.S1.355

Birch, S., Kester, B., & Reboussin, D. (2019). Teaching African and African American Experiences: A teacher resource guide (Online Resource). http://guides.uflib.ufl.edu/afam_k-12

Busey, C. (2017). Más que Esclavos: A BlackCrit examination of the treatment of Afro-Latins in U.S. high school world history textbooks. Journal of Latinos and Education.

Catey, A. S. (2011). The constitution of subjects in the long revolution: race, the police power, and the everyday shaping of the ensemble state (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Florida.

Celeste, M. (2018). “What Now? The Wailing Black Woman, Grief, and Difference,” Black Camera: An International Film Journal, (9)2, 110-131. https://doi.org/10.2979/blackcamera.9.2.08

Celeste, M., Vargas-Betancourt, M., Vargas, N., Hernandez, J. Addie, Y. Mosley, D. Hebblethwaite, B., Ortiz., Saunders, T., Henson, B. (2018). Intersections on Global Blackness and Latinx Identity. Intersections: Research into Teaching Grant. Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, through the UF Center for Humanities & the Public Sphere. Award amount: $30,000.

Conwill, W. L. (2010). Domestic violence among the Black poor: Intersectionality and social justice. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 32(1), 31-45. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10447-009-9087-z

Crump, B. L. and Hunter, I. L. (n.d.) A Critical Analysis of the Trayvon Martin Case and the Stand Your Ground Laws. National Bar Association, Trial Lawyers Section.

Davidson, J. M. (2012). Encountering the Ex-Slave Reparations Movement from the Grave: The National Industrial Council and National Liberty Party, 1901-1907. Journal of African American History, 97(1-2), 13-38. https://doi.org/10.5323/jafriamerhist.97.1-2.0013

Davidson, J. M. (2014). Deconstructing the Myth of the “Hand Charm”: Mundane Clothing Fasteners and Their Curious Transformations into Supernatural Objects. Historical Archaeology, 48(4), 18-60. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03376927

Davidson, J. M. (2015). “A Cluster of Sacred Symbols”: Interpreting an Act of Animal Sacrifice at Kingsley Plantation, Fort George Island, Florida (1814–39). International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 19(1), 76. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10761-014-0282-1

Felima, C. A. (2009). Haiti’s Disproportionate Casualties after Environmental Disasters: Analyzing Human Vulnerabilities and the Impacts of Natural Hazards. Journal of Haitian Studies, 15(1/2), 6-28.

Felima, C. A. (2017). Disaster Narratives of Flood Experiences in Cap-Haitien, Haiti: An Anthropological Study (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Florida.

Harn Museum of Art. (2018). History, Labor, Life: The Prints of Jacob Lawrence (Exhibition). Curated by Storm Jansevan Rensburg, SCAD Museum of Art, with support from the Jacob and Gwendolyn Lawrence Foundation. Curated by Carol McCusker.

Harn Museum of Art. (2018). I, Too, Am America: Civil Rights Photographs by Steve Schapiro (Exhibition).

Harn Museum of Art. (2018). Resilient Visions: Haitian Art (Exhibition).

Hart, E. E. (2018). Black Radicalism Reconceptualized: Struggle and Resistance in the Ohio Valley. Ohio Valley History, 18, 92-96.

Henson, B. (2019). Black invisibility: reframing diasporic visual cultures and racial codes in Bahia. African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal.

Henson, B. (2019). “Look! A Black Ethnographer!”: Fanon, Performance, and Critical Ethnography. Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies.

Herman, Harley Scott. (1994). A Tribute to an Invincible Civil Rights Pioneer. Crisis, 101(6), 22-24.

Hilliard-Nunn, P. (2008). In the Shadow of Plantations (Film). Produced by the Alachua County Communications Office. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMjWEjQy7yI

Houchen, D. F., Smith, M. (2019). Beauty, joy, and wellbeing: Rethinking Black southern women’s agricultural labor. Activist History Review.

Houchen, D. F., Walker, D., Turoctte, F., & Birch, S. (2018). Black Educators: Florida’s Secret Social Justice Advocates, 1920-1960 (Exhibition). George A. Smathers Libraries. http://exhibits.uflib.ufl.edu/FloridaBlackEducators/

Houchen, D. F. (n.d.). An “Organized body of intelligent agents,” Black teacher activism during de jure segregation: A historical case study of the Florida State Teachers Association. (In Press) Journal Negro Education.

Liversidge, J. & Turcotte, F. (2019). Bo Diddley: An American Original (Exhibition). George A. Smathers Libraries.

Moore Taylor, C. (2010). Free in Thought, Fettered in Action: Enslaved Adolescent Females in the Slave South (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Florida.

Nunn, K. (1993). Rights Held Hostage: Race, Ideology, and the Peremptory Challenge. Harvard Civil Rights Civil Liberties Law Review, 64(63). Reprinted in Reader on Race, Civil Rights, and American Law (Davis, Johnson, & Martinez, eds., 2001).

Nunn, K. (1997). Law as a Eurocentric Enterprise. Law and Inequality, 15(323). Reprinted in Critical Race Theory: The Cutting Edge (Delgado & Stefancic, eds., 2d ed. 2000).

Pearlman, L. (2014). More Than a March: The Poor People’s Campaign in the District of Columbia. Washington History, 26(2), 24-41.

Pimentel, C. N., & Busey, C. (2018). Hollywood Films as Social Studies Curriculum: Advancing a Critical Media Literacy Approach to Analyzing Black Male Representation. Critical Education, 9(4), 1-17.

Preston, A. (2014). Mary McLeod Bethune Trail (Online Resource). In partnership with the Mary McLeod Council House & Lucy Craft Laney Black History Museum. http://www.nps.gov/mamc/historyculture/upload/Bethune-Trail.pdf

Saunders, T. (2016). Towards a Transnational Hip Hop Feminist Liberatory Praxis: A View from the Americas. Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, 22(2), 178-194. https://doi.org/10.1080/13504630.2015.1125592

Saunders, T. (2019). Afro-Feminismos en Cuba: Perspectivas de la Habana (Film). https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=357818304849911.

Schorb, J., Birch, S., Pearlman, L., Vrana, H., Russell-Brown, K., & Dale, E. (2018). Intersections on Mass Incarceration. Intersections: Research into Teaching Grant. Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, through the UF Center for Humanities & the Public Sphere. Award amount: $30,000.

Simmons, G. Z. (2002). Racism Today in Higher Education. University of Florida Journal of Law & Public Policy, 1, 29-44.

Stevenson, R. (2018). Jumping Overboard: Examining Suicide, Resistance, and West African Cosmologies During the Middle Passage (Doctoral Dissertation). Michigan State University.

Steverson, D. (2015). Zora Neale Hurston’s Racial Politics in Jonah’s Gourd Vine. Explicator (73)3, 226-228. https://doi.org/10.1080/00144940.2015.1065223

Steverson, D. (2017). Madness, Melancholia, and Suicide in Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees. South Carolina Review, (50)1, 108-123.

Steverson, D. (2020). “Don’t nobody wanna be locked up”: The Black Disabled Veteran in Toni Morrison’s Sula and August Wilson’s Fences. College Language Association Journal (forthcoming).

Vargas, N. (2018). Ideological Whitening: Does Skin Color Shape Colorblind Ideology Adherence for Latina/os? Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41(14), 2407-2425.

Vargas, N. & Stainback, K. (2016). Documenting Contested Racial Identities among Self-Identified Latina/os, Asians, Blacks, and Whites. American Behavioral Scientist, 60(4), 442-464. https://doi.org/10.1177/0002764215613396

Villegas, M. (2017). Nation in the Universe: The Cosmic Vision of Afro-Filipino Futurism. Amerasia Journal 43(2), 2-24. https://doi.org/10.17953/aj.43.2.25-46

Weech-Maldonado R., Hall A., Bryant T., Jenkins K. A., Elliott M. N. (2012). The relationship between perceived discrimination and patient experiences with health care. Medical Care. 50(9 Suppl 2), 62-8. https://doi.org/10.1097/MLR.0b013e31825fb235


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