Microbiological Toolbox and Exams
Key Resources and Software
Please make sure you have access to all databases and are able to install and use all software if you don’t have them yet installed.
Dr. Oli’s Video Library: All home kit and activities videos are located here. Let us know if’ your like specific videos of procedures.
UF VPN dial authentication:
1. https://net-services.ufl.edu/provided-services/vpn/clients/
2. Once you are ready to connect:
3. In the “Connect To” Field, type “vpn.ufl.edu”. Click “Select” to connect.
4. Authenticate with your gatorlink ID (in the form of username@ufl.edu) and your gatorlink password. Click OK.
Need VPN: MS office : download MS office if you don’t have it yet on your computer. We will use word, ppt and excel
We already made quizlets for you to study the new vocabulary you are learning Quizlet invite link
UF Library: Microbiology and Cell Science databases
Download and install FIJI https://imagej.net/Fiji
2. Tutorials https://imagej.net/Tutorials
Need VPN: GIDEON login through through institutional login https://app.gideononline.com/login (you don’t need to create a password)
Need VPN: JOVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) https://guides.uflib.ufl.edu/jove Microbiology Education https://www.jove.com/education/84/microbiology (this is an extra resource for you, not needed for the lab per se)
Virtual Bacteriology Laboratory will be used to practice some exercises
Reference management software. You will use one of the software of your choice to properly store and cite references
Choose one of the software
- Need VPN to set up initial account” Endnote online https://guides.uflib.ufl.edu/EndNote
- Zotero https://www.zotero.org/
- Mendeley https://www.mendeley.com/?interaction_required=true
- SciWheel https://guides.uflib.ufl.edu/citationsoftware/SciWheelhttps://guides.uflib.ufl.edu/citationsoftware/SciWheel
In silico simulation of molecular biology experiments
1. We will use In silico PCR amplification for the AAM (ADOPT A MICROBE) project
2. And for the hemocytometer Enumeration
iNaturalis app for fungi scavenger hunt https://www.inaturalist.org/
Other labmath apps and bioinformatics software will be explained and used in the different sections