Course Overview

Online Lab Materials & Kit Content

Online Lab Kit Content & Other Materials Needed

Provided: Online Laboratory Kit


  1. Your online laboratory kit will be shipped out the week after drop/add. Please make sure you receive your package as soon as it arrives.
  2. Please examine your kit contents against the packaging list and ensure you have all items listed. Please inform us if something is missing or contaminated (if any agar plates already have growth). 
  3. Please keep your return label and all kit materials listed on the return list included in the kit. Don’t discard any equipment unless explicitly stated- many supplies will be used for multiple modules and some need to be returned. You will get an incomplete for the class if your kit is not returned in time, with all required materials. 
  4. Upon arrival of your lab kit, please put the following items in your refrigerator: 
  • All Agar plates (examine upon arrival & let course instructors know if there is any contamination on your plates)
  • Bacterial Cultures
  • Antibiotic disks (in Combatting Microbes)
  • Petrifilm (in Enumeration of Microbes)

Lab Content in your kit is listed here:

Self-Provided: Additional Materials

UF online students will have to provide these additional items
  • 3 AA batteries (some microscopes may have them already)
  • Cup/ Beaker for waste disposal bin
  • Microwave safe cup for heating media
  • Bleach (1 L of 10%, to be diluted) or Ethanol (1L of 70%)
  • Cell phone with camera, ability to install apps
  • Container (bowl, bucket) to disinfect contaminated materials
  • Water
  • Paper towels
  • Mouthwash (1 mL)
  • Winogradsky Column: Container to collect water from a pond or puddle, empty plastic bottle (1L soda bottle or similar), 1 egg (or other protein source), paper (or other carbon source)
  • Hay Infusion: Glass jar with water (100 ml) and either hay, Spanish moss, alfalfa, herbs or similar dried plant material (good pinch)
  • Muddy water from a pond, lake, creek, etc.

This list is subject to modification between each semesters. Contact your TA or Dr. Oli if you have any concerns or difficulty obtaining materials.



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Dr. Oli's Microbiology Online Laboratory Manual Copyright © by Monika Oli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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