Course Overview

Microbiology Online & Student Expectations

Microbiology Lab at Home

Undertaking microbiology labs at home alone can be an intricate and bewildering endeavor. The isolation of a home setting lacks the immediate guidance and collaborative atmosphere of a traditional lab, making it challenging to navigate complex procedures and troubleshoot unexpected issues. The absence

of in-person supervision can magnify the confusion stemming from intricate protocols, sterile techniques, and precise measurements crucial in microbiological work. Additionally, the limited access to specializ

ed equipment and reagents might hinder the faithful replication of lab conditions, potentially leading to skewed results or misinterpretations. The lack of immediate peer interaction further restricts the opportunity for discussions, knowledge-sharing, and the collective problem-solving that often illuminate the path forward in microbiological research. As such, the process of conducting microbiology experiments

at home solo demands heightened patience, meticulous planning, and a resilient spirit to decipher the intricacies of this scientific realm amidst the inherent complexities.

Be assured, we are here to help. Your TA team and I will ensure your success and completion of the lab and we will be fostering a positive learning environment.

Academic Integrity and Verification Measures – Authentication

In order to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity in our online microbiology course, we have implemented specific measures to ensure that the work you submit is authentically yours. As part of these measures, the following requirements must be adhered to for all submitted assignments and lab work:

Photographic Evidence:

Any photographs taken for assignments or lab work must include your student ID card clearly visible in the frame. This ensures that the work is being completed by you and not by someone else.

Screenshot Verification:

For any assignments or lab work requiring computer screenshots, you must include a visible identifier on your screen. This could be your student ID number or a personalized watermark provided by the course. This identifier must be clearly visible in the screenshot.

These measures are designed to uphold the honor code and ensure a fair and honest academic environment for all students. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in your work being deemed invalid and subject to academic penalties.


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Dr. Oli's Microbiology Online Laboratory Manual Copyright © by Monika Oli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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