Module 1: Integration of shelter medical and management teams for a collaborative healthcare program
Shelter Veterinarians are More Than Doctors
By virtue of their training, knowledge, and skills, shelter veterinarians are much more than “just the vet”. They are also leaders and change managers.
Remember this statement:
“It is no longer acceptable or possible that the education, expertise and talent of veterinarians practicing in shelters be limited to the practice of spay/neuter surgeries. Today’s shelter directors and veterinarians need to work together as a team, with shelter veterinarians being given a policy role consistent with their training and expertise. This is what the veterinary profession expects and what the animals deserve.” Rich Avanzino
Be the leader. Follow the Shared Leadership principles to lead your medical team and integrate with the management team.
Be the change. Use the Rider/Elephant/Path concepts, the 8-step Change Management Plan, and the Piloting New Programs plan to introduce new healthcare programs, policies, and protocols that are embraced by both the medical and management teams.
Work together as a team for a collaborative healthcare program in the shelter.